Innovation Center for Biology and Medicine
National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
Innovation Center for Biology and MedicineNational Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan

Laboratory for adaptation of living systems

Head of Laboratory: Eshonova Zebiniso Shokirovna



1971, Graduated from Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh. Shohtemur with speciality Agronomist (Scientist)
1978 – 1981, post-graduate student of Scientific and Research Institute of Farming under the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
1989, defended PhD thesis titled “Different seed rate of cereal crops (wheat and barley) in mixture planting with alfalfa and different rate of fertilizers under the conditions of Vakhsh Valley”, specialized in plant production (01.01.09).

Major subjects of scientific activities:
Research of different varieties and accessions of bread wheat, durum wheat, triticale and barley under the irrigated and rain fed conditions of Central part of Tajikistan. Selection of best lines and utilization in breeding programs: Individual selection, bulk selection and conducting crossings for breeding new varieties with higher yield potential, early maturing and resistant to pest and diseases and lodging, as well as with higher bread-making quality.

Conducting studies on new crop management technologies of cereal crops, in various agro-ecological conditions of Tajikistan and research works on biological safety considering changing climate.

Patents and inventions:
Owner of 21 Patents, including patents for wheat varieties: Sharora (#14), President (#43), Sham (#44), Norman (#46), Alex (#47), Somoni (#51), Ormon I.E. (#52), Ziroat 70 (#58), Sadoqat (#73), Oriyon (#93), Fayzbakhsh (#118), Shokiri (#119), IS-80 (#120), Farhodi 60 (#121), Lalmikor 1 (#157), Shumon (#156), Falghar (#162), Istiqbol (#162), Qahrabo (#151), Bobo 80 and Triticale Umed (#74).

Authored 6 guidelines on the agricultural technologies of growing various wheat varieties in Tajikistan; 1 Catalogue – Description of local wheat varieties (Dushanbe, 2014).

Supervised 1 (PhD) Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

Publications (books and monographies): Co-authored book titled “Scientifically based systems of crop management in Tajik SSR” (In Russian), Dushanbe, 1984, pages 285. 

State and official awards. Medal of merit service, Recognition diplomas received from Ministry of Agriculture, Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, districts, towns and Farming Institute.

Amount of published works: 110 works, including following selected ones:

  1. Eshonova Z. Selation. Yellow Rust Resistant on wheat varieties in Tajikistan/ АBSTRACТS Central West Asa and North Africa Islamabad, Pakistan// 2004. –  рр. 31-32.
  2. Eshonova Z. Productivity of new wheat varieties under the different seed rate and rate of nitrogen fertilizers in Tajikistan. Bulletin of regional network on promotion of new wheat varieties and seed production. 2004, #3, pages: 96-100.
  3. Eshonova Z. Some achievements of joint works on wheat breeding with ICARDA and CIMMYT. News of the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Dushanbe #1, pages: 39-42.
  4. Eshonova Z. Recommendations on growing new wheat varieties in Tajikistan. Dushanbe, 2008. Pages: 3-26.
  5. Eshonova Z. Breeding properties and values of wheat genotypes from CIMMYT and ICARDA under the conditions of Tajikistan. Conference on main problems and prospects of agriculture development. Dushanbe, 2011, pages: 19-27.
  6. Eshonova Z. Triticale in irrigated lands and rainfed areas with sufficient precipitation. Conference on main problems and prospects of agriculture development. Dushanbe, 2011, page: 229. Эшонова З. Тритикале на поливных землях и обеспеченной осадками богары// Масъалаҳои муҳим ва дурнамои рушди соҳаи кишоварзи. – Душанбе. –  2011. – стр. 229.
  7. Eshonova Z. Recommendations on growing intensive type of wheat varieties bred in Russia and Tajikistan. 2007, Dushanbe. Pages 3-11.
  8. Eshonova Z. Recommendations on growing new wheat varieties in Tajikistan. Dushanbe, 2008. Pages: 3-26.