II Republican scientific conference “Adaptation of living organisms to changing environmental conditions”, organized by the Center for Innovative Biology and Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences Dushanbe September 28, 2021
The conference participants, having reviewed and discussed the state and prospects of the problem of adaptation of living organisms to changing environmental conditions, the impact of anthropogenic and technogenic factors, noted that the study and understanding of the mechanism and adaptation of living systems makes it possible to develop the necessary approaches and practical recommendations to increase adaptive capabilities, reduce the risk of negative impacts of stress and unfavorable factors on the environment, agro-ecological systems and humans.The conference participants, having reviewed and discussed the state and prospects of the problem of adaptation of living organisms to changing environmental conditions, the impact of anthropogenic and technogenic factors, noted that the study and understanding of the mechanism and adaptation of living systems makes it possible to develop the necessary approaches and practical recommendations to increase adaptive capabilities, reduce the risk of negative impacts of stress and unfavorable factors on the environment, agro-ecological systems and humans.
The conference participants noted that in Tajikistan, scientists are showing particular interest in studying the adaptation of living organisms to the environment due to the specifics of its natural, climatic and environmental conditions.
At the conference, 7 plenary reports and 50 reports at 3 sectional sessions were heard by scientists from the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, universities of the Republic, the Committee for Nature Protection and the Environment under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as from Russia. The presented reports were made at a high scientific and methodological level.
The conference participants noted the high scientific and organizational level of the conference and noted the contribution of scientists to the development of research in the field of studying the characteristics of climate change as a factor influencing the adaptation mechanisms of living systems, the study of agricultural and medicinal plants and their resources, and also indicated that materials had been published by the beginning of the conference conferences.
The conference participants made the following proposals:Coordinate research in the field of studying the adaptation of living organisms to changing environmental conditions through information exchange, exchange of specialists and the development of bilateral and multilateral agreements.Promote the integration of scientific institutions and universities in conducting comprehensive research on joint projects and programs devoted to the analysis of cause-and-effect relationships caused by climate change.Promptly cover in the media the achievements of scientists in the field of studying the adaptation of agricultural and medicinal plants and their resources.Strengthen the practice of systematically holding conferences and round tables of specialistsTo ask the Department of Biological Sciences of NAST to publish the resolution of the IInd Republican Conference “Adaptation of Living Organisms to Changing Environmental Conditions” in the next issue of the News of NAST (Department of Biological Sciences).